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JIO F220B Charging Way Jumper Solution – 2023

LYF Jio F220B is an entry-level smartphone that has gained popularity in the Indian market due to its affordable price and decent features. However, some users have mentioned charging system troubles with the phone, which can be annoying and unpleasant. In this article, we will discuss the common charging problems faced by LYF Jio F220B users and provide solutions for them.

One of the most common issues faced by users is the charging port not working. This can be due to a faulty charging connector, a defective charging IC, or a broken charging track. To start fixing this issue, examine the charging connector and replace it if necessary. If the connector is fine, then the charging components need to be checked and replaced if found defective.

If everything seems to be working fine with the charging components, the charging track needs to be checked for any breaks or faults. This can be done using a multimeter to test the voltage across the charging track. A jumper, which is a short wire used to link two places on the PCB, must be installed to fix a broken track.

To fix the charging problem on LYF Jio F220B, you need to disassemble the phone carefully and inspect the PCB for any rust, carbon, or water damage. If there is any damage, it must be cleaned with a reliable liquid cleaner before being dried with a hot air gun.

Here are the steps to fix the LYF Jio F220B charging problem:

Step 1: Disassemble the phone and inspect the charging connector for any damage or faults.

Step 2: Check the charging components and replace them if found faulty.

Step 3: Test the voltage across the charging track using a multimeter and put a jumper if the track is broken.

Step 4: Clean the PCB with a good liquid cleaner and dry it with a hot air gun if there is any rust, carbon, or water damage.

In conclusion, the LYF Jio F220B charging problem can be easily fixed by following the above steps. It is important to be careful while disassembling the phone and handling the PCB to avoid any further damage. It is advised to seek expert assistance if you are unsure about any of the processes.

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