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Smart Phone Upgrade Tool (all versions)Free Download – [24-02-2021]

Download Smart Phone Upgrade Tool Software 2019

Smart Phone Upgrade Tool is a small application that allows you to flash stock firmware on your Qualcomm Smartphone and Tablets.

Here on this page, we have managed to share the latest version of Smart Phone Upgrade Tool along with the previous versions.

Features of Smart Phone Upgrade Tool

Installable Application:

SmartPhone Upgrade Tool comes as a setup file, which means you need to install it first on your computer then only you will be able to use it properly.

Easy to Use:

It allows you to easily load the Qualcomm based stock firmware (.xml) on the tool and flash it on the Smartphone and Tablets easily in few clicks only.

Refresh Port:

It comes with a Refresh Port Button, which allows you to automatically detect the connected Qualcomm smartphone and Tablets without restarting the application.

Supports Qualcomm Devices:

It allows you to flash stock firmware on Qualcomm Smartphone and Tablets Only. It doesnt support the devices having other chipsets than Qualcomm.

Download Smart Phone Upgrade Tool

important Notes

Read the below important notes before using Smart Phone Upgrade Tool.

  1. You device must be charged more than 60%.
  2. Make a backup of your all important data such as Contacts, Messages, Photos, Videos etc.
  3. Use this tool at your own risk. We are not responsible for any lose.i

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