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AppleCare+ (Apple Insurance) -A Smart Business Model, or a Rip-Off for Customers? 2023

AppleCare+ (Apple Insurance) – A Smart Business Model, or a Rip-Off for Customers?

Apple offers insurance for its products, known as AppleCare+. Apple Care+ provides coverage for display and other accidental damage for a period of two years. This may seem like an attractive proposition, but is it really a good deal for customers?



The price of Apple Care+ ranges from ₹14,900 to ₹7,900, depending on the iPhone model. This price is roughly half the price of a new iPhone. By purchasing AppleCare+, customers can save up to ₹6,000 on display repairs.

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However, the price of Apple Care+ is not really that attractive. It is important to note that AppleCare+ only provides coverage for display and other accidental damage. It does not provide coverage in case of theft or loss.

If you are a careful user who is unlikely to damage your iPhone, then there is no need to purchase Apple Care+. You can save money by purchasing a smartphone case and screen protector to protect your iPhone yourself.

AppleCare + Product

If you are concerned about protecting your iPhone in case of an unexpected accident, then AppleCare+ may be a good option. However, you should keep its price in mind and make sure that it is a good deal for you.


Apple Care+ is a smart business model that helps Apple increase sales of its products and generate profits. However, it is not always a good deal for customers. If you are a careful user, you can save money by protecting your iPhone yourself.

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