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How to avoid fake Apple charger! 2023

How to avoid fake Apple chargers

avoid fake Apple chargers – Apple chargers are expensive, so it’s understandable that people look for cheaper alternatives. However, fake Apple chargers can be dangerous and damage your phone.

avoid fake Apple chargers

How to identify fake Apple chargers:

It can be difficult to identify fake Apple chargers, but there are a few things you can look for to distinguish them from the real thing.

  • Box: Fake Apple charger boxes often have poor print quality and faded colors.
  • Charger: Fake Apple chargers may have inconsistencies in their size and shape.
  • R-number: Fake Apple chargers often have the wrong R-number.
  • Charging speed: Fake Apple chargers often provide slower charging speeds than genuine Apple chargers.
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How to avoid fake Apple chargers:

To avoid fake Apple chargers, always buy chargers from an authorized Apple dealer. You can find a list of authorized dealers in your area on Apple’s website.

How can you tell a fake Apple charger?

Here are some tips on how to tell if an Apple charger is fake:

  • Check the packaging. The packaging of a fake Apple charger may have poor print quality, and the colors may be faded or inaccurate.
  • Inspect the charger itself. Fake Apple chargers may have unevenness in their shape and size, and the materials may feel cheap or flimsy.
  • Look for the R-number. Every genuine Apple charger has an R-number, which is a unique identifier. You can find the R-number on the back of the charger, near the plug. You can check the validity of the R-number on Apple’s website.
  • Compare the charging speed. Fake Apple chargers often charge devices more slowly than genuine Apple chargers.

Is it safe to use a fake Apple charger?

It is not safe to use a fake Apple charger. Fake Apple chargers can be made with poor quality components that can cause fires or damage your device.

Is it OK to charge iPhone with fake charger?

It is not OK to charge your iPhone with a fake charger. Fake chargers can damage your iPhone’s battery and other internal components.

Is it bad to use non-Apple chargers?

It is not necessarily bad to use non-Apple chargers, but it is important to only use high-quality chargers from reputable brands. Cheap or low-quality chargers can damage your iPhone.

How to avoid fake apple chargers iphone 13

Here are some tips on how to avoid fake Apple chargers for the iPhone 13:

  • Only buy chargers from authorized Apple dealers.
  • Be careful when buying chargers online, as there are many counterfeiters selling fake Apple chargers.
  • Inspect the charger carefully before purchasing it. Look for the R-number and make sure that the charger feels like a genuine Apple product.

How to check apple adapter is original

To check if an Apple adapter is original, you can:

  • Look for the R-number on the back of the adapter.
  • Check the validity of the R-number on Apple’s website.
  • Compare the adapter to a known genuine Apple adapter.

How to check apple charger serial number

To check the serial number of an Apple charger, look for the number on the back of the charger, near the plug. You can then check the validity of the serial number on Apple’s website.

Apple 20w charger serial number check

To check the serial number of an Apple 20W charger, look for the number on the back of the charger, near the plug. You can then check the validity of the serial number on Apple’s website.

Apple adapter original vs fake 20w

Here are some ways to tell the difference between an original Apple adapter and a fake 20W adapter:

  • Packaging: The packaging of a fake Apple adapter may have poor print quality, and the colors may be faded or inaccurate.
  • Adapter itself: Fake Apple adapters may have unevenness in their shape and size, and the materials may feel cheap or flimsy.
  • R-number: Every genuine Apple adapter has an R-number, which is a unique identifier. You can find the R-number on the back of the adapter, near the plug. You can check the validity of the R-number on Apple’s website.
  • Charging speed: Fake Apple adapters often charge devices more slowly than genuine Apple adapters.

Apple mfi certified list

You can find a list of MFi-certified products on Apple’s website.

Original iphone charger vs fake type c

Here are some ways to tell the difference between an original iPhone charger and a fake Type-C charger:

  • Packaging: The packaging of a fake iPhone charger may have poor print quality, and the colors may be faded or inaccurate.
  • Charger itself: Fake iPhone chargers may have unevenness in their shape and size, and the materials may feel cheap or flimsy.
  • R-number: Every genuine iPhone charger has an R-number, which is a unique identifier. You can find the R-number on the back of the charger, near the plug. You can check the validity of the R-number on Apple’s website.
  • Charging speed: Fake iPhone chargers often charge devices more slowly than genuine iPhone chargers.

Apple mfi certified lightning cable list

You can find a list of MFi-certified Lightning cables on Apple’s website.


Fake Apple chargers can be dangerous and damage your phone. Always buy chargers from an authorized Apple dealer to ensure that you are getting a genuine product.

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