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How to improve gaming performance on an old Android phone with Best Two Settings 2023

How to improve gaming performance on an old Android phone with two settings

improve gaming performance: If you are using an old Android phone to play games, you know that the gaming experience can be frustrating at times. Your phone may heat up, games may lag, or you may even experience frame rate drops.

improve gaming performance

However, there are two settings that you can enable on your phone to improve your gaming experience.

First setting

To enable the first setting, you will need to go into your phone’s settings and enable “Developer options“. To do this, tap on “System“, then tap on “About phone“. Tap on “Build number” seven times.

Once Developer options are enabled, you will need to go back into your settings and find “Graphics driver“. Then, you can select the game that you want to play and select the “System graphics” option.

Developer Options:

Second setting

To enable the second setting, you will need to go back into your settings and find “Optimization“. Then, you can select the “Force 4x MSAA” option.

Enabling both of these settings can improve the gaming experience on your old Android phone. Your phone may heat up less, games may lag less, and even the frame rate may improve.

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Enabling these two settings has significantly improved the gaming experience on my old Android phone. My phone now heats up less, and games lag less. I have also noticed an improvement in the frame rate.

If you are using an old Android phone to play games, I recommend enabling these two settings. It may give you a better gaming experience.

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