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SP Flash Tool Explain 2023 FREE

SP Flash Tool PGPT: Understanding Format All Download, Upgrade Only, and Download Only

This article explains the differences between the three main flashing options in SP Flash Tool: Format all download, Upgrade Only, and Download Only. It also delves into the importance of rebuilding PGPT (Partition Guide Table) to avoid storage size errors and PMT (Partition Management Table) errors.

SP Flash Tool

Why Rebuild PGPT?

Rebuilding the PGPT is crucial to avoid storage size errors and PMT errors from the SP Flash Tool. This ensures smooth writing of partitions and prevents errors like “PMT not found” or “PMT error.”

Format All Download:

This option completely erases all data on the device, including protected partitions like nvdata and nvram. It then formats the PGPT and writes the new firmware. This is the most comprehensive option and should be used when flashing a new ROM or recovering a bricked device.

Upgrade Only:

This option only updates the user data partitions while leaving the protected partitions untouched. This means the IMEI, bootloader unlocked state and other critical information are preserved. However, it can only be used if the existing PGPT is compatible with the new firmware.

Download Only:

This option only downloads the firmware to the SP Flash Tool without flashing it to the device. This can be useful for preparing the firmware before flashing it with another tool.

Building a New PGPT:

SP Flash Tool allows building a new PGPT when necessary. This is typically done when:

  • You want to increase the storage size.
  • You encounter PMT errors due to incompatible PGPT sizes.
  • You want to restore the original PGPT size after changing it.

PMT Errors and Third-Party Tools:

Since Format All Download erases protected partitions, IMEI and other critical information are lost. To restore these, you need to use third-party tools like Unlock Tool, AMT, or MCT Tool. These tools allow writing the PGPT and other data without erasing the protected partitions.

SP Flash Tool Free Download ( All Versions ) 2021 Edition Update

New Version:


Understanding the differences between the SP Flash Tool options and the importance of rebuilding PGPT is crucial for successful firmware flashing. Choose the option that best suits your needs and use third-party tools if necessary to prevent data loss.

Format All DownloadCompletely erases all data, formats PGPT, and writes new firmware.
Upgrade OnlyUpdates user data partitions without touching protected partitions.
Download OnlyDownloads the firmware without flashing it.

Note: This table is for informational purposes only. The specific options and functionalities may vary depending on the SP Flash Tool version and the device you are using.

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