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Download Samfirm Tool V3.2

If you are an Android smartphone user, you may need to install custom ROM, root access, and four Firmware in many cases. Downloading official Samsung firmware is one of the most time-consuming jobs. Because all of the third-party sources like and other all web site download speeds are very slow. SamFirm Aio v3.2 is a tool that solves this.

Samfirm Tool V3.2

Features Samfirm Tool:

Portable Application:
It is distributed as portable software, so you do not have to install it on your computer to use it. Instead, download and install the Tool on your computer to successfully update the stock firmware for your Samsung smartphone.

Light Weight:
While downloading the Samsung stock firmware on a PC, it uses a little memory space. However, extracting the Computers firmware may require some computer RAM. Decryption will take several minutes.

Download Firmware:
It enables you to download Samsung Stock Firmware to your computer, whether an md5 or tar firmware. The software downloads the Firmware in an encrypted file and then converts it upon completion.

Multiple Options:
It allows you to do a firmware search based on the Model Number and Region. Additionally, you may manually search for Firmware by inputting the PDAs, CSC, and Phone serial numbers. It enables you to read the firmware’s full name, version, and size.


SamFirm A.i.0 v3.2

Xiaomi Redmi Sideload 

Mi Xiaomi Pocophone M3 Bypass Mi
Account Anti Relock & Reset FRP Function

One-Click FRP remove in normal mode without login

1- Updated To support Direct  flash (MTK CPU)

2- Full backup & restore full flash (MTK CPU)

3- Backup & Restore all partitions (MTK CPU)

4- add Remove Huawei ID

5  Remove Demo Mode Operation

6  Bootloader unlock without deleting data

7- Updated Support 4 Qualcomm CPU by model

8- add GPT Partition For Qualcomm CPU

With supported dump / write / Erase

9- Updated Samsung Test Point for MediaTek and Qualcomm

Fixed Some Bugs

– fix stuck on check account

– download the latest Samsung Firmware from Samfirm Tool,

for old Samsung Firmware version will be redirected out URL

– update bypass FRP drivers

Add Support MTK One Click

Download Link:

NameSamfirm Tool V3.2
Size685.9 MB
LinkTera Box

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