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Download SamPro Tool V1.0.0

SamPro Tool appears to support a variety of CPU types including MTK, Qualcomm, SPD, Samsung, and SpreadTrum. The tool allows for operations such as reading the information, flashing firmware, unlocking and relocking bootloaders, resetting FRP, formatting user data, bypassing mi account, and many more. It can be used in various modes such as MTP, ADB, Fastboot, Download, and EDL. The SamPro Tool is a comprehensive tool for working with different types of CPUs.


MTP ModeRead information, check Simlock status, factory reset, reboot to normal mode, reboot to download mode, reboot to binary mode, bypass launch browser
Download ModeRead information, exit download mode, fix the soft brick
ADB ModeRead information, factory reset settings, enable the Arabic language, reset FRP, bypass Knox, bypass KG MTK, enable/disable system UI, enable/disable Samsung updates, reset screen lock for old Android versions, reboot to normal/recovery/download
Reset FRPMTP enables ADB and resets FRP/bypass Knox/bypass KG
MTK One Click Section BROM Mode
Generic operationRead information, read GPT table, read/write/erase a selected partition, dump full flash .bin file, write full flash .bin file, backup all partitions, write all partition
Bypass SLA AuthBypass sla Auth
Bootloader Unlock/Relock
RPMB DataRead/Write/Erase
NV DataRead/Write/Erase
Flash Preloader/BromSupported flash MTK scatter file, read firmware scatter file for a supported model or select scatter file, format user data for a supported model or by selecting scatter file, reset FRP for a supported model or by selecting scatter file
Sideload ModeRead information, format user data, reset FRP, bypass Mi account, unlock the bootloader, reboot to normal/recovery/fastboot
Fastboot ModeRead information, reboot to normal/recovery/fast boot supported fast boot flash (bootloader unlock required)
EDLSupported flash XML file for QUALCOMM devices (emmc only), read GPT table (emmc only), backup/flash/erase selected partition (emmc only), format user data, safe format, reset FRP generic QUALCOMM, reset FRP Samsung QUALCOMM, bypass MI account (emmc only)
Format and reset FRP in flash mode (supported models only), read the information (ADB), reset FRP (ADB), reset FRP (fast boot)

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